Movies & Series W/ Uldis Dumpis

A Birdless NightA Birdless Night
Vīrietis Labākajos GadosVīrietis Labākajos Gados
Reflection in the WaterReflection in the Water
To Be UnwantedTo Be Unwanted
In a Claws of a Black CancerIn a Claws of a Black Cancer
Keys to ParadiseKeys to Paradise
Attack on the Secret PoliceAttack on the Secret Police
Light at the End of the TunnelLight at the End of the Tunnel
Maritime ClimatesMaritime Climates
Checkmate to the Queen of DiamondsCheckmate to the Queen of Diamonds
Blow, Wind!Blow, Wind!
Meldru MežsMeldru Mežs
The City Under the LimesThe City Under the Limes
There Are Four of UsThere Are Four of Us
Stari StiklāStari Stiklā
Don't Shoot on the 26-ThDon't Shoot on the 26-Th
The Conspiracy of AmbassadorsThe Conspiracy of Ambassadors
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