Reiko, who has retired from acting, now lives with Masao, an illustrator. Meanwhile, Mitto, a childhood friend and former idol, shows up at the studio of Tamade, a cameraman, bringing her pet Betta fish along. Mitto says she is planning a performance event in order to self-publish a novel. Reiko and Tamade, along with Masao, each become involved in Mitto’s event in their own way. The appearance of Mitto brings a subtle change to the future path the three of them will walk. This is the story of four people and a fish, intertwining their lives in unexpected ways.
- Drama
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Dai Ikeda , Yuri Kikuhara , Reiko Mori , Takashi Okado , Mai Nakano
- Kota Fudauchi, Sabrina Zhao