In the context of comedy and drama, we live the adventure of Sukkar or the actress here, Zahid The series "Helwa Al-Dunia Sukkar" consists of 9 different stories, each story is shown in 5 connected episodes, and each story has a different team in terms of writer and heroes, with the presence here of Zahid in all the stories of the events of the series, directed by Khaled Al-Halafawi, produced by Synergy and Karim Abu Zekry, and it includes The series is a large group of guests of honor, and the authors of the nine stories were chosen, namely Iyad Saleh, Diaa Muhammad, Fedra Ahmed Al-Masry, Hisham Ismail, Hind Fayed, Muhammad Jalal, Ihab Balibl, and Ayman Al-Shayeb.
- Comedy
- Arabic
Cast & Crew
- Mohamed Mekawy , Hana Al Zahed , Mahmoud Abdel Moghny , Hesham Ismail , Ahmed Hatem , Mohamed Al Sharnuby , Bayoumi Fouad , Mohamed Kelany
- Khaled Al-Halafawi, Ihab Blaibel, Ayman Al Shayeb, Mohamed Galal, Hesham Ismail, Ahmed Barea, Diaa Mohamed, Hend Abdullah