Brooklyn Bridge is an American television program which aired on CBS between 1991 and 1993. It is about a Jewish American family living in Brooklyn in the middle 1950s. The premise was partially based on the childhood of executive producer and creator Gary David Goldberg. Brooklyn Bridge won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Emmy Award as for outstanding television series in 1992, after its first season. The cast was led by Marion Ross; Art Garfunkel performed the theme song, which was titled "Just Over The Brooklyn Bridge." In 1997, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" was ranked #46 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.
- Drama, Comedy
- English
Cast & Crew
- Amy Aquino , Louis Zorich , Marion Ross , Adam LaVorgna , Peter Friedman , Danny Gerard , Aeryk Egan , David Wohl
- Gary David Goldberg
- Alice West, Seth Freeman, Craig Zisk, Gary David Goldberg, Brad Hall, James Simons, Sam Weisman