Yo Amo a Juan Querendón is a Mexican telenovela that aired on Univision at 7pm/6c for one year beginning in February 2007. The plot surrounded the story of Juan Dominguez and his interactions with the Cachon Family. The program was a remake of Pedro El Escamoso, a Colombian telenovela.
- Comedy
- English, Spanish
Cast & Crew
- Eduardo Santamarina , Mayrín Villanueva , Alexis Ayala , Arleth Terán , Dacia Arcaraz , Renée Varsi , Sylvia Pasquel , María Marcela
- Dago García, Luis Felipe Salamanca
- Mauricio Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Alcalá, Gabriela Ortigoza, Miguel Mesas Vallejo, Antonio Abascal, Rossana Ruiz, Mapat L. de Zatarain, Lily Garza