Season fourteen of Dancing with the Stars premiered on March 19, 2012. Tom Bergeron and Brooke Burke Charvet returned as hosts, while Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, and Bruno Tonioli all returned as judges. The Harold Wheeler orchestra and singers provided the music throughout the season, except as noted below. Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver won the competition over Welsh classical crossover singer Katherine Jenkins and Cuban-American Telenovela star William Levy, who took 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Driver is also the third NFL player to win, after Emmitt Smith & Hines Ward from season three and season twelve respectively.
- Family, Reality
- English
Cast & Crew
- Tom Bergeron , Carrie Ann Inaba , Bruno Tonioli , Len Goodman , Brooke Burke , Sasha Farber , Oksana Dmytrenko , Kiki Nyemchek
- Tyra Banks, Daniel Martin, Jonty Nash, Rob Wade, Victoria Guinto, Izzie Pick Ibarra, Josh Firosz, Ashley Shea Landers