Insert Episode description here.
The Annoying Art Ape of an Alberta Art Gallery
The Bewildering Balloon Bandit Burglary
The Clown Clan's Clash with Comandante Crankypants
The Dreadful Disco Dragon of Detroit
The Elegant Emerald Elephant of Ancient Egypt
The Fairy Fiasco in Funland
The Goblin Who Guards the Garden of Gold
A Haunted Holiday at the Howling Hog Hotel
The Intrepid Ice Explorers of Iqaluit
The Jungle Jackpot Jubilee
The Karate Kicking Karaoke Kangaroos of Killiecranki
A Lousy Bit of Luck at the Loony Laugh Labs Laboratory
The Mystery of the Missing Magical Muffin
The Nacho and Noodle Nabbing Ninjas of Niagara Falls
The Obnoxious Otters of Ottawa
The Pickle Plundering Pirates of Pineapple Island
The Queen's Quest for a Quality Quilt
The Ride of the Raspberry Ripple Rancheros
The Saga of Skipper Saltysocks and the Singing Sea Serpent
The Totally Terrific Twirling Tigers of Tasmania
Uncle Ulmer's Unruly Unicorn
The Vengeful Vendetta of the Vaudeville Vampire
The Warbling Wereworm of Wessex
The Extreme Excursion to the Planet X
The Yarn of the Yukon Yeti
The Zany Zookeeper's Zoo of Zombies