Canada's Worst Driver 2 is the second season of Canada's Worst Driver, a Discovery Channel Canada television series which seeks to improve the driving skills of eight selected contestants, who are als...
Canada's Worst Driver 3 is the third season of Canada's Worst Driver, a Discovery Channel Canada television series which seeks to improve the driving of eight nominated contestants, each of which tryi...
Canada's Worst Driver 4 is the fourth season of Canada's Worst Driver, a Discovery Channel Canada television series which seeks to improve the driving of eight nominated contestants, each of which try...
Canada's Worst Driver 5 is the fifth season of Canada's Worst Driver, the Canadian automotive television series on Discovery Channel which seeks to improve the skills of eight of the worst motorists i...
Canada's Worst Driver 6 is the sixth season of the Canada's Worst Driver series, where eight contestants known by those close to them for being bad drivers are taught lessons on improving their drivin...
Nine of the country's most appalling drivers from past seasons of Canada's Worst Driver return to the Rehab Centre. After safely driving their nominators to the Rehab Centre, it's up to each driver to...
It All Begins Now...
Look Here. Look There.
Threading the Needle...
Look Out!
All Wet!
No Parking
Ice, Ice Maybe
Drum Roll Please...