Verano del '98 is an Argentine telenovela, produced by Cris Morena. It was broadcast on Telefe television in the period January 12, 1998-November 17, 2000. The telenovela had three seasons, and changed its cast many times. Cris Morena also composed songs for Verano del '98 soundtrack.
- Comedy, Drama
- Spanish
Cast & Crew
- Carolina Santangelo , Juan Ponce de León , Marcos Marotta , Marisa Fasano , Fernán Mirás , Nancy Dupláa , Patricia Viggiano , Mario Pasik
- Cris Morena
- Gustavo Luppi, Federico Palazzo, Carlos Luna, Daniel Aguirre, Leticia Castro, Fidel Chiatto, Amparo Iribas, Claudio Lacelli